6:00 am Subject: Cynthia McVay, 46, Artist, Location: Field Farm, River Road, Ulster Park, NY
On June 21, 2008, the Summer Solstice, I ventured out to create an image of the sun (and the community) throughout the day, the longest day of the year. Each hour on the hour, I found a person on the side of the road near my home in the Hudson Valley, in the Town of Esopus, New York. Each person stood for a different hour of the day, and their shadow the length and angle was cast onto a 20 X 30 portable canvas, which was oriented with a compass. I took photographs of each person standing in the center of the canvas, and spray-painted, with black spray paint, an outline of their shadow on the canvas.
Generally my subjects offered a few interesting tidbits and opinions, which were dutifully recorded, and are paraphrased as close to their voices as memory allows. The Human Sun Dial Project #3, as such, serves as a portrait of the sun and a small cross-section of the community.
Generally my subjects offered a few interesting tidbits and opinions, which were dutifully recorded, and are paraphrased as close to their voices as memory allows. The Human Sun Dial Project #3, as such, serves as a portrait of the sun and a small cross-section of the community.